Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Introductory Blog

I decided to start a blog for one reason and one reason only. I don't fully understand social networking.
I have a Facebook account, (FB because I'm lazy), sometimes it's active other times it's not. Sometimes I write a single sentence post, other times a post that is much longer.
I once read that single sentence posts belong on Twitter, in the form of a "tweet". Really, I asked myself, if I want to say something brief I have to do something called "tweeting"? This didn't sound like something I was interested in, so I did not pursue it. I had also read, regarding FB, that posts that were too long belonged on a blog. I was somewhat familiar with what a blog was but not completely certain and am still not, but I'm willing to find out.
More importantly, I didn't want to have to keep deciding if my FB posts were too long, too short, or just right. I'm still not sure who decides, I only know when it's been decided.

So here is my blog, read it, don't read it, it matters little to me, it's only here to relieve my FB anxiety.

Finally, I would add, please do not let any inaccuracies, grammatical or otherwise, reflect poorly on my teachers. They tried their best to do their job, I tried my best to prevent them.
